The Worm
It was a good Spring...
The warm Sun played joyfully with the awakening buds, encouraging them to grow.
And when blossoms shyly emerged, the Sun beamed his happy dance, tenderly kissing each flower to grow even more beautiful...
This they did, and in their joy they scented the very air with delicate perfume ...
Oh, what a glorious time it was, as Nature once again garlanded itself with fertility...
And now the great pollinators came, buzzing around, going from flower to flower... drunk with their sweet nectar.
Yes, this is Life, this is how it should be - that perfect balance, that perfect harmony... the giving and receiving, all in respectful union ...
Ah, but not all is at it seems ... for amongst the pollinators are also those who hold their own selfish ends, they are the ones who care not for this naïve concept of ‘balance’ or ‘harmony’ ... No indeed, they only care for themselves...
They are the egg-layers, not asking permission to ensure their own procreation... No, they take as they will, and care not a wit for the destruction their selfish acts ensure.
And now the young buds begin to grow even more - gently, tenderly, they become fruit, eagerly rushing towards maturity... ignorant of the worm that will soon emerge from the unwanted egg within.
Oh, such a cruel act, that the very warmth of the loving Sun should also be the catalyst that’ll awaken the Devourer !
As the fruit ripened, so did the Unspeakable One... and now he is ready !
Mindlessly he gorges himself of the tender pulp... eating, eating, eating... with no care in the world - destroying, for that is indeed his nature... careless, because he did not have to earn such abundance.
No, all he did was to use and abuse it... satisfying his endless greed, with no ethical nor moral values to reign him in ...
Oh Justice - where are you now, in this time of need... Have you turned your back to us ? Have you found us ‘unworthy’ that you could blindly refuse to see this corruption within your very bosom ... ?
Why ...? Oh why do you not intervene ... ?
We thought it was a lost cause - the Worm had won ...
... ... ... ...
But then something strange happened. Something so unexpected that no-one had witnessed in their Life’s memory.
It was one of those freaky storms that come unseen from the cold North.
The sky darkened with pelting rain, howling winds tore through the trees, challenging each to resist... if they dared !
Many trees failed, breaking their limbs in futile offering to pacify such Angry Gods... Some were too young and suffered the ultimate sacrifice - their own lives forfeit as they gave up their hold on Mother Earth... Others, more tenacious, splintered and were torn apart... Devastation ruled everywhere ...
And in the torrents that scoured the land you can see the many fruits that had been ripped from their life-stems.
Oh, look... right there - that is the wormy fruit being bashed about, beaten again and again against the rocks ... Oh, and if you look carefully you can see the Devourer’s final collapse as his fat greasy body is being rushed to his final destination ...
Well, Karma is a welcomed bitch ...
... ... ... ...
Days have passed and the storm long gone. The warm Sun is once again lovingly helping Nature heal.
Yes, there has been pain, and even sorrow... but we have survived, and in our resilience we have victory - Life will always overcome ... even if it has to resort to destruction.
And to all the fat Worms out there - You may think that you’re winning now, but there is always an Angry Wind coming ... and, as they say, it will be a ride-of-a-lifetime ...
