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A Tale of Gods and Goddesses

This happened so long ago that we - the poor shadows that survived - no longer have true knowledge, but have buried its truth behind distorted myths and legends ... but beware, reader, what you’re about to hear is indeed Truth...

It was a great time, when the Gods walked among men and blessed them with great Powers... life was filled with marvels and wonder.

Many were those favored by the Gods... No, not as servants but simple acolytes - they did ‘serve’ but as followers, as people who have chosen the Path blessed by their patron God - they were the warriors, mighty in battle, or great artisans, who forged powerful weapons, and others - of a more gentle nature - became healers, or harvested the bounty of Nature; some even worked with new-found ideas, crazy inventors and philosophers who argued about such little things that would make your poor head turn ... but that’s what ale was for... so you could always retire to be among the story-tellers, and enjoy many a fantastic tale of valor while quenching your thirst ... and if a God or Goddess would wonder by, then the tales they would tell would leave you starry-eyed, and longing for closer union.

And such a union was granted to those who were deemed worthy ... special people who sought to be as close to the Gods as possible - those who learned how to rule over the Elements called themselves magicians, others who simply wanted to sit at the feet of Higher Beings preferred to call themselves mystics... and still more desired to know the greatest of mysteries - the ones of Creation and Dissolution - of rendering the Veil cast by Death, seeking even those Knowledges which have been forbidden - they called themselves necromancers, dark sorcerers ... and because of their arrogance Darkness began to creep into our world...

But it was our own foolishness which opened the door to the Great Downfall ... too late we learned that ‘Power corrupts’... few truly understood that ‘With great Power comes great responsibilities’, preferring to believe that ‘Power’ meant that they were better than others, that they could - indeed they thought it was their ‘Right’ - to rule over others...

You see, they foolishly thought they were better than the rest of us...

And so it started ... what was once a Utopian land soon became fraught with dissent, Man thought to enslave others, even as this spurred resistance and even revolt...

As Power fought against Power , destruction gleefully followed, and despair filled the hearts of peaceful men...

So, as any good follower would, they asked their patron God for help, for aid and relief from such barbaric, power-mad individuals [we could no longer even bear to call them ‘men’ for they were no longer human...]

And what is a good God to do, but respond to the cries of his followers ...and so Mother Earth revolted, casting fires of destruction...mighty winds tore up whole civilizations, thunder flared again and again trying to smite these unnatural beings ... but, alas, they had their own Gods... and so the fight spread ...

Now God fought against God, mighty Goddesses entered the fray and with wrath in their heart and fury in their eyes they rent apart even the last one alive ... such a mighty battle... such foolish beginning ... such pitiful ego of men who thought themselves ‘superior’...

Ha ! where are your powers now... where is your wealth, your subterfuge, your entitled ego ... See the Darkness you’ve invited into what once was Utopia ... it’s waiting for you ... all of you who sought to know the Great Mysteries, the Gateway is now open , greedily waiting to embrace such fools that thought naught of what they cast aside so readily ... and for what ...?

Did you really think you were greater and better than the Gods ... ?

And these Great Ones ... where are they now ... ?

Disgusted by their own creations, they moved on ... trying to figure out why this Gift, which they called Free Will, went so awry...

Yes, they all went away, trying to once again make peace among themselves... and having learned Man’s lesson well, will now only create the simplest of Nature’s Forms ... no longer ‘sentient’ ... just joyful Nature...

And that now leaves us... wretched shadows of what once was great, and pure, and glorious... no longer ... just shadows of a broken Race...

So pay attention, you who are reading this, and do not allow the vile to grow in your heart or land... hear this tale and pay heed, lest you too shall fall for others’ Ego ...

Your Duty is clear...

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