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The Kiss

It is a simple act, that gentle touching of the lips, that murmur of barely spoken sound that escapes as the mouths softly reach towards one another ... and in that single moment, the commitment to the sharing of the breath...

Few ever realize how deep a commitment it is, that most basic of acts, that sharing of the breath... for it is the declaration of union, of oneness, of the co-mingling of that deepest of personal private essence ...

Ah yes, the Kiss ... the most vulnerable of all acts, where we offer ourselves to the other with no mask, no veil, no subterfuge ... “Here is my breath, my very life-essence... Taste me as I truly am, for I will not hide anything from you... Here are my lips on yours, and even as we join, then my eyes must close that I may better savor this special moment...

And in that instant let me reflect ... “Are these the last lips I shall ever taste ... Will this sharing be the one to fill the rest of my Life... Shall this be the ultimate declaration that We-are-as-One...

Is this Truth that I taste, or just Hope... ?”

Oh, that such a simple act, one that has been committed since Time began, should hold such weight, that it must test this Love as eternal... or declare it be simply a passing fancy...

Can I - should I - place such a burden on this mere mechanical action ... ?

Can I trust this awakening passion... ?

Or maybe declare it to be folly... merely the animal in me wanting to devour the other ... ?

[is this why I make such strange noises ... ?]

After all, it’s merely a ‘kiss’ isn’t it ... it doesn’t really have to mean anything... Does it ?

Or am I fooling myself, belittling that highest of all acts and making it into a caricature...

Shall I write a comedy-in-three-acts where I parade this ‘Kiss’ as a simpleton, to be used and abused by society... a tool to be coin for pleasures exchanged - now no longer ‘precious’ but basic commodity -

Here is a kiss for you have pleased me well... Should we choose to be together again, I shall expect more of the same...”

Or shall I play coy, and be shy, fooling you into believing myself naively virginal... so that my kisses be seen as precious, and you soooo special to have captured such a prize ...

Or do you prefer the fiery passions that smother your breath, sweeping away any and all thoughts, making your very being slave to the moment, clouding - nay - negating the mind in that mindless of ancient acts ...

Or perhaps that unique offense, the kiss-of-betrayal, of the adulterer that names the other ‘cuckold’, for here the kiss is merely a ruse to be used as coin paid for egotistical pleasures ...

Ah, so many, many uses for this most ancient communion ... perhaps confused by society’s decline, lost in the decadence of too common a behavior ..

Well, we shall see what will happen to this devolving pact ...

Will it ever become, once again, that purity of confession, that truth of the innermost feelings we have for each other... the first declaration of things to come ...

Or, will it be constrained to be used merely as currency for pleasures gained ?...

Well, we shall see ...but know this well - it matters not what others may shape it to be... for in truth, it remains what you most desire it be ... for only you can make it so ...


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