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When Life gives you lemons... throw them back !

[This is the story of an old man and a young woman... just read it, and don’t jump to conclusions...]

A new neighbor moved in just last month a few doors down the street...she looked tired, and still moved many boxes all by herself...

Maybe she’s all alone...I should introduce myself and ask if she’d need any help - be nice to have a friend at last...

No one else wants to talk to me “Too busy” they always say...and mumble “Weird old man...” under their breath as they rush off to work / pick up the kids / soccer practice / dinner with friends...

“Rushing, rushing, rushing to burn up life...” I say quietly to myself.


Last week she walked past me while I was picking up the mail - and smiled !

She has a nice smile...

Yes, I think I’ll go and introduce myself, next I see her... maybe even bring her some flowers from my garden... the roses are gorgeous this year... I wonder if she likes roses...?


Yesterday she said “Good morning”, and smiled too...such a pretty smile.

Yes, I think I should give her some roses...definitely...


Today I am waiting for her by my gate, a beautiful rose already cut...

Ah, there she comes...a little rushed, as if sensing our special encounter...

I smile and hold up my hand, “Hello” I say, a little shyly..

“Sorry, no time - late for my appointment” she says over her shoulder, as she rushes by... ... glaring... ?

Ah, foolish me...foolish, foolish old man, thinking that anyone would like me for a friend...

She’s just like all the others...when will I learn “Too busy... too busy... too busy...”

Castles in the air - what foolish man I am...“Give up, old fool - no one wants to be with you... You are the past, not the present... had your chance... just give up already...

When will you learn - NO ONE WANTS YOU...”



And so he did ...stayed at home most of the day, doing....nothing ...

Just growing old...alone ...bitter ... angry ... resentful at all the young people around him...and her especially, for giving him hope...for smiling... for making him think that perhaps ...

And so he sits, and feeds off his anger like a man starved...



And what of the young woman ?

There she sits in the darkened room... staring ... just she again hears those brutal words from her doctor “It’s no good ... the cancer has spread too far... too late to do anything ... just a few months at best...

I can prescribe something to dull your pain, if you want...”


She jerks her head again and again and again... as if by denying it would go away...


There she sits, quietly staring at the darkness... alone... no one to talk to ... no one to share her last days ... no friend to shelter her ... just ... nothing ...

Waiting for ... nothing ...



Ah, if only there was a moral to this story ...

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