Love... naturally
Love... what a magnificent experience ... but what can I say about it - how can I describe that subtlest of all feelings, that deepest of emotion, that hope we all search for...
Still, I must try, for to do otherwise will have it burst out of me - and so bear with me as I share my experience.
Love... Love is everything... but happy it is not ...
Yes, Love is passion - it is tears and fears and wondering awake at night if she too is thinking of me...
Love is the smile that rises to touch the lips, just for the memory of it ...
Love is the frustrating paradox - it is the Time that stands still, the racing Heart that skips a beat, it is the wave that swallows the ocean... and with all of that, Love is just a simple, unique, smile...
Love is everything that is fleeting, and in that moment, Love is eternal... and that is how I found her
She came in, we met, and from that simple experience, my Life changed forever... a short ten minutes that would prove shattering to all my previous perceptions - the lifting of a veil I never knew I had - and then she just ... left...stepped out of the door, rushing to meet her fate [or her duty to her bereaved mother, as she’d explained]
Our hands touched - such a simple gesture - but then I could not - would not - let go...
It seems so strange, so unlike me, that I could rest my hand in hers...and feel finally at peace - I had arrived... I had arrived ...
I can tell you vividly the deep color of her eyes, the spicy scent of her perfume, the way she tilts her head and them smiles, and the passion in her words as she describes the cabin, so close to the shore...
Yes, I know, it still puzzles me today, that in that simple touch our lives could merge so well, so seamlessly ...
Many will call me foolish, others may indulgently nod, and label me ‘romantic’...
Yes, I admit to it all, but I can firmly state that I know Truth when I see it... and in that short period – in those eternal ten minutes - I found a Love that is so elusive, so rare, that many believe it shall never be... yet now I know it exists... and for that I am both richer, and poorer
Richer, because what I have experienced is rare indeed, and for that, precious beyond belief... poorer, because now she has left, and I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again... but even in that ache, I would not have it otherwise...
And so I’ll tell you again
Love... Love is everything... but happy it is not ... and I hope I can spend a lifetime savoring every moment of it